Tuesday 25 November 2014

Kahoot! - By Alexis

On Friday the 21st in class we played this game called Kahoot.  Kahoot is a quiz game using the iPads.  Ms. Adamson picks a topic to quiz us on then we get to pick a nickname.  Our topic this time was "The Fourteenth Goldfish", which if you were wondering is a book we read in class.  In Kahoot, when we were all ready to start a question comes up on the smart board.  When we finished reading the question there were shapes on the iPad that had no answer, but we realized that they were on the smart board and we had to click on the right shape and hope to get the correct answer.  After we all answered it would tell us how many got the question right.  We also got points for every right answer we got.  The faster you answered, the more points you would get!  After, Ms. Adamson asked us to vote and rate the game and everyone loved it.  She asked us if we wanted her to do this again with other things, everyone said YES!!!!!

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