Saturday 8 November 2014

100 Word Challenge - Week 10 by Kyle


One day I was in a forest and I heard something say hello.  I looked behind me and there was a rabbit wearing a Santa hat.  "Oh no! The Santa hat bunny rabbit!"
"Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello."
The Santa hat bunny rabbit always says hello, that's all he says!
"Oh no! There are more of them!" Then all of them disappeared and there was only one left and as it shivered, they all came back.
"Oh dear, here they come! Ahhh! Help me!" I yelled as I ran through the forest.  Then I woke up in my bed all warm and cozy!

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, you have created a rather foreboding idea about Santa hat bunny rabbits! It's a good thing it was just a dream and you didn't really have to confront them!
    Well done!
