Friday 31 October 2014

100 Word Challenge - Week 9 by Cayden


Once there was a cat named Larry.  He was really kooky.  One time he was at the beach swimming and he spotted an island.  He swam to the green island and met some platypuses.  He lifted them up and threw them into a llama hole.  As the llamas were eating the platypuses, Larry was watching the pickles growing on the trees.  As the pickles grew larger, a giant unicorn ate them.  As the unicorn was eating, a broken tree was falling.  The unicorn walked across the tree and got eaten by beluga whales.  Then a talking cheese curl rolled next to him and he started talking....


  1. You have an excellent imagination! Your writing is descriptive and interesting - the idea of pickles growing on trees is great!
    Well done.

  2. Hey Cayden

    Thank you for your entry to the 100WC challenge this week.

    You have tried really hard to use all of the key words and turn this into the beginning of a story - well done.

    I like the way that you have used lots of different animals in your story and you story has left me wondering.....what does the cheese curl say?

    Keep up the hard work!

    Miss Arli (London, UK) Team 100WC
